SiteMap Generator in Cloud Web Hosting
Our cloud web hosting solutions feature a sitemap generator that is a part of our leading-edge Hepsia Control Panel. The instrument uses the exact same intuitive Hepsia interface, so you can create a sitemap for each of your domains and subdomains with a few clicks even if you've never had a website before. There are a couple of options, that you can customize - the depth, which shows the total number of levels in the Internet site the sitemap should follow links, the highest number of links which have to be included and what kind of file types will show up on the sitemap. For the latter feature, you can type or delete specific file extensions, that can be quite helpful in case you have files which are not generic for a site like php or html, but are pdf or mp3 files, for example. That way, your custom site content will be included inside the sitemap in addition to the webpages.
SiteMap Generator in Dedicated Servers
The Hepsia web hosting Control Panel that is available with our dedicated server plans comes with a built-in sitemap generator which will permit you to create a search engine friendly sitemap with just a couple of clicks for any website hosted on your server. The software instrument has an extremely easy-to-use interface and allows you to select several options for the sitemap - the depth of the links the generator needs to follow through the webpages, the maximum number of links which have to be crawled, and what file extensions to be included. With the latter option, you can add or remove extensions freely, so you will be able to select what content to be incorporated into the sitemap. Thus, you will be able to remove specific content and add any custom files which you may have on the website and you may wish to be included for site visitors and search engines.