If you use a script-driven application on your website and all the content that you create is saved in a database, your web hosting package needs to come with ample database storage space, to make certain that even if your site grows, you won't have any sort of difficulties due to the lack of storage space. PostgreSQL is a great example of a well-known database administration system that is used with a large number of scalable web applications and if you're looking for improved performance and security for your website, it is more than likely that you will employ this system. Considering this, you will need a website hosting plan that won't limit your world wide web presence, particularly if you wish to manage a number of sites and each of them employs PostgreSQL databases.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Cloud Web Hosting

If you use our cloud web hosting services, you will be able to expand the content as well as the user base of your PostgreSQL-driven sites as much as you want as a few of our plans provide unlimited database storage space. Even if you acquire a lower-end package, you'll be able to update either the database space feature or the entire package, so as to have sufficient system resources for your websites. We use a custom-made cloud platform and we have a whole cluster dedicated to the database storage. Because no other processes run on these servers, the general performance is much better and we will put more servers or harddisks if they are needed. No matter how many products you include in your webstore or how many comments users leave on your discussion board, you won't ever encounter any issues caused by limited database storage space.